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First comic book story : 1962
Place of birth : Asgard
Other names : Dr . Donald Blake

Thor is a god of Asgard . He has a magic hammer . His hammer lets him fly and make thunder . Thor is ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ all the other gods , but he is prouder ____________________ them too . His father , Odin , decides to teach Thor a lesson . He sends his son to Earth to live like a human .

On Earth , Thor becomes a superhero ! He often fights his evil brother Loki . Loki is ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ Thor , but he is ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ at magic .

The film Thor : " Ragnarok " was one of the ____________________ ____________________ superhero movies in 2017 .


First comic book story : 1941
Place of birth : Paradise Island
Other names : Diana Prince

Diana is an Amazon princess on Paradise Island . Only the Amazons live on this Island . This warrior women are ____________________ ____________________ most men .

One day , Diana finds an American pilot . He has crashed his plane . The Amazons have a competition to choose who will take this man back to this country . Diana wins because she is ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ other Amazons .

In the United States , Diana dresses like a normal woman . But when there is danger , she becomes Wonder Woman ! With her magic lasso and strength , she fights enemies like the war god , Ares .

Wonder Woman is the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ any other woman superhero .