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You have to complete the following sentences with the correct word you can see on your right . Click on the word and then finally push the button 'check' . Good luck .

1 . This singer is a refugee ____________________ was forced to flee at the age of one with his family during he Civil War in Beirut , Lebanon .
2 . His father was a Syrian refugee ____________________ lived happily for many years in Beirut , Lebanon , before he left for America .
3 . This hip hop idol's refugee experience is one of the things she is famous for and she uses it in many of her songs . Mathangi Arulpgragasam was born in Sri Lanka , but left at the age of nine during the beginning of the civil war ____________________ would rock the country for 26 years .
4 . This German Jew , ____________________ theory of relativity was ground - breaking , faced anti - Semitism years before Hitler came to power . He emigrated to the US in 1932 to work for the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University .
5 . He was born in Haiti in 1969 . Nine years later he and his family left the town ____________________ he grew up and fled to the USA . He settled in Coney Island in Brooklyn , New York . The family later moved to New Jersey , ____________________ is where he met up with Lauryn Hill to start the Fugees .
6 . He was born Farrokh Bulsara on September 6 , 1946 in Zanzibar , ____________________ is a tropical island off the east coast of Africa . He and his family fled in 1964 ____________________ the Zanzibar revolution peaked .