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1 . The gods were disgusted with the current state of the world ; thus , they created a new race , ____________________ ____________________ the Trojans .

2 . Greeks ____________________ ____________________ to Troy seeking war after the escape of their Greek queen .

3 . Aeneas ____________________ ____________________ of his room and defeated the nearby Greeks .

4 . The Greeks ____________________ ____________________ around Troy to siege the city .

5 . Romulus and Remus , after defeating the barbarians in Alba Longa , ____________________ ____________________ a journey to the 7 hills to fund a new city .

6 . After the assassination of Remus by a barbarian , Romulus ____________________ ____________________ realizing that peaceful coexistence with barbarians was utterly impossible .

7 . The destiny of Rome was dark : The next generations had the responsibility to ____________________ ____________________ against the barbarian threat and ____________________ ____________________ war , devastation , genocide and death .