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Daria's Blog
Daria 12 : 31p . m .
Some of my favorite movies are musicals from Bollywood , especially the romantic ____________________ . The movies are usually ____________________ ____________________ India , and the actors often ____________________ characters who fall in love . I really enjoy a good ____________________ ____________________ . There can be some tear - jerking moments , but the nice thing about Bollywood movies is that they often have happy ____________________ , so you leave the movie theater feeling good . Some of them are also very funny - the last one I saw was just ____________________ . some of them are historical and ____________________ ____________________ in the past . These are my favorites because the colors and the ____________________ are wonderful . The movies aren't usually in English , but they're ____________________ , so you can read while you're watching . Sometimes the movies even have fight scenes with lots of special effects and ____________________ . They're really great !