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1 . If you went for a job interview , how would you try to ____________________ yourself ?

2 . What would you do if you wanted to ____________________ a quick buck ?

3 . Do you believe that money can ____________________ happiness ?

4 . When you go shopping , for example for clothes , how do you ____________________ - in cash or by card ?

5 . Is there anything you can't ____________________ to buy because it ____________________ a fortune ?

6 . Would you like to be able to ____________________ ____________________ a loan to buy a house or flat one day ? Why ( not ) ?

7 . If you were short of money , what would you do to ____________________ ends meet ?

8 . What is the first thing you would buy if you had money to ____________________ ?

9 . Hwo would you ____________________ money for a charity you wanted to support ?