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She is ____________________
You can't possibly marry him Diana , he's basically a stranger
It's not like you don't have other options
The thing is . . . I just know this is it

Oh I've got News !
I'm going to have a baby
Best News I ever had since I proposed and you said yes

I can't breath
You ____________________ the the polio virus from droplets in the air
The result is you can't ____________________ for yourself

You really must leave me , it's rot now
We can't have this
Apparently I can

Get me out of here
No one with your husband's ____________________ exists outside a hospital anywhere in the world

I've just had an idea
It does his ____________________ for him
Its amazing hurray !


Well , we want more of these ____________________
For people like Robin

No one has ever believed its possible to live as you do
This is bloody ____________________
Well , we should show them

When I first became ____________________ I wanted to die
But my wife wouldn't let me
She told me I had to live to see our son ____________________ up
So I went on living

Your life is my life
We could go to have it at Cattotti
Wouldn't that be an adventure ?

Why do you keep your disabled in prison ?
Go back to your patient , and set them free

I have accepted the risk of dying
I don't want to just ____________________
I want to trully ____________________