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With the workers' co-operation, working conditions were changed one at a time, e.g. shorter working weeks and days, food or coffee breaks, breaks of varying lengths ... in all 10 changes.

Workers are only interested in high wages.

Interventions by the leader are reduced to a minimum, he only interferes when he is consulted.

Manager sets objectives, allocates tasks and insists on obedience

The average worker wants to work and to take on responsibility if he is supported and encouraged to do so. This theory says that workers enjoy work and responsibility and that they want to develop.

Job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment


Fringe benefits, security and prospects of promotion, advancement and improvement in standards of living

Hygiene Faktors (Herzberg)

Leadership style between the extremes task-centered and employee-centered

Work is a group activity.

The average worker is someone who has to be forced to work harder. Workers are lazy, unambitious, resistant to changes and indifferent to the purpose of the organization. They dislike responsibility and need close control.

Middle of the Road Strategy

Challenging work, career prospects, responsibility

A manager gives his employees objectives to fulfill. The way, they are solving the problems, is not defined - they can choose their own solution.

Laissez-faire Style of Leadership

Motivators (F. Herzberg)

E. Mayo

Theory Y (D. McGregor)

Salary and fringe benefits, quality of supervision, status, relationship with colleagues

R. Tannenbaum and H.W. Schmidt - Continuum of Leadership Behavior

Managerial Grid by Blake and Mouton

Theory X (D. McGregor)

F.W. Taylor

Autocratic Style of Leadership

Hawthorne Experiments

Factors affecting motivation

Management by objectives

Neither concern for production, nor concern for people (managerial grid)

Methods to increase job satisfaction