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Steve Anderson has always had a passion ____________________ food . ____________________ as a child , he liked food that other children in England at that time ____________________ unusual .

He was first ____________________ to cook by his mother . After graduation , he helped out on a ____________________ course in Italy , ____________________ he met several famous chefs . Steve ____________________ later ____________________ by one of them in his restaurant as a trainee chef . Two years later , he ____________________ to Valencia , Spain and opened his ____________________ restaurant , ____________________ is now one of the most popular places in town .

He has ____________________ Spain for two ____________________ : One is , like a lot of British people , he wanted to see the sun ; the other is , the fantastic ____________________ he can find in the markets there .

He wanted his restaurant to be ____________________ formal than the traditional Spanish restaurants were at that time . The other thing he wanted was to ____________________ a more international cuisine using ____________________ ingredients .

Steve enjoys running his restaurant because he can ____________________ people happy even ____________________ it means that he usually has to ____________________ ____________________ hours .

There are quite a lot of British people visiting his restaurant as his place can be ____________________ in most British restaurant ____________________ , but his restaurant is also ____________________ ____________________ the local people . He ____________________ the honesty of the Spanish people to the politeness of the British guests for it helps him to know ____________________ people really like .

Steve is really sorry that even in a country ____________________ Spain , where the diet is considered to be very ____________________ , people's eating habits are ____________________ for the worse : younger people don't learn to cook from their mothers and so they prefer fast food to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .