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Natural resources are materials or substances that occur in ____________________ and can be used for ____________________ ____________________ .

They can be either renewable and ____________________ when used through natural or human processes , or non - renewable and ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ after being used through natural or human processes .

These resources are important because we may have ____________________ of that resource , and some resources have ____________________ quantities . We can help save resources by being ____________________ ____________________ .

Consumption simply means to use up . Conservation is to use or ____________________ ____________________ , while preservation means ____________________ to use at all so that a resource is maintained and reserved for ____________________ survival .

The mixture of gases that surround us that is invisible , tasteless , and odorless is ____________________ . It is ____________________ for human and animal life , as well as plant life ,

If air quality is bad , plants could produce ____________________ fruit and have ____________________ to their leaf tissue while animals and humans can develop ____________________ problems , as well as certain respiratory diseases .

An organism that is composed of both an algae and a fungi that can help indicate air quality is a ____________________ .

Air pollution is the ____________________ of the air by smoke and other harmful gases and an air ____________________ is any material that causes air pollution .

Car exhaust , combustion engines are examples of carbon ____________________ and ____________________ monoxide , gas pollutants caused by the ____________________ of materials ( often from the petroleum industry . ) ____________________ oxides are found in the air as a result of a ____________________ containing sulfur that is burned , such as ____________________ or oil . Particle pollutants are small ____________________ of dust or liquid that pollute the air in instances such as a forest ____________________ .

Water quality is the ____________________ of water for a particular ____________________ . It is changed by ____________________ occurrences such as weather and earthquakes as well as the way ____________________ use and ____________________ water . If the condition of water is not ____________________ for a particular use , then the quality of the life of a plant , animal , or human would be ____________________ .

The addition of harmful chemicals or substances to water is water ____________________ . Point ____________________ water pollution occurs when the contaminant comes from an obvious source and ____________________ source water pollution occurs when the contaminant comes from a source that is not easily ____________________ or from a number of sources .