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1 . The generation ____________________ as it is formally called , represents the ____________________ of opinions between ____________________ regarding their beliefs , politics or values .
2 . This ____________________ often causes debate , ignorance and ____________________ , often putting ____________________ people against their parents , grandparents , teachers , managers and even ____________________ .
3 . When you talk to ____________________ generations and hear their impression about younger people , you may hear a number common ____________________ .
4 . It's a ____________________ of younger generations of all the centuries that they need to identify ____________________ through their ideas , their ____________________ , and their language .
5 . Well - educated and ambitious , Baby ____________________ value collaboration , equality and ways to advance professionally .
6 . They expect some degree of ____________________ and prefer face - to - face ____________________ .
7 . They're very focused on their ____________________ and objectives , yet they want freedom .
8 . They also believe that ____________________ must be earned .
9 . Millennials are the most ____________________ and the most difficult generation to manage .
10 . They are not afraid to express their ____________________ , thinking it is is valuable and ____________________ .
11 . This group is very tech ____________________ , love digital devices and have large social ____________________ .
12 . They ____________________ quick decisions and expect ____________________ response .
13 . They are ____________________ - takers , who think ____________________ and value individuality .