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A : Good evening , ma'am .
B : Good ____________________ .
A : Where are you arriving from ?
B : From London .
A : What's the ____________________ of your ____________________ ?
B : Business . I'm ____________________ for a conference .
A : How ____________________ are you ____________________ in the US ?
B : A week .
A : ____________________ are you staying ?
B : In San Francisco . At the Pacific View Hotel .
A : Do you know anybody here ?
B : Yes , Mark Ryder .
A : Is he family or ____________________ ?
B : He's a colleague . . . and a ____________________ .
A : Do you have his ____________________ ____________________ ?
B : Yes , his mobile is 405 655 7182
A : Is this your ____________________ ____________________ to the ____________________ ?
B : Yes , it is .
A : ____________________ your stay in San Francisco .
B : ____________________ ____________________ .