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Since computers ____________________ first introduced to the public in the early 1980's , technology ____________________ ____________________ a great deal . The first computers ____________________ simple machines designed for basic tasks . They didn't ____________________ much memory and they ____________________ very powerful . Early computers ____________________ often quite expensive and customers often ____________________ thousands of dollars for machines which actually ____________________ very little . Most computers ____________________ separate , individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games .
Times ____________________ ____________________ . Computers ____________________ ____________________ powerful machines with very practical applications . Programmers ____________________ ____________________ a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping . We are still playing video games , but today's games ____________________ ____________________ faster , more exciting interactive adventures . Many computer users ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on the Internet and ____________________ ____________________ communicating with other computer users around the world . We ____________________ ____________________ to create international communities online . In short , the simple , individual machines of the past ____________________ ____________________ into an international World Wide Web of knowledge .