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1 . The sun ____________________ in the west . ( Set )
2 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ like the food they serve at that restaurant . ( Like - Negative )
3 . ____________________ you ____________________ the Internet every day ? ( Surf )
4 . When ____________________ you ____________________ to meet me ? ( want )
5 . John ____________________ me , does not he ? ( like )
6 . Jim ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on Fridays . ( Work - Negative )
7 . My friends ____________________ ____________________ usually ____________________ so early . ( leave - Negative )
8 . Why ____________________ Beth always ____________________ so much ? ( Complain )
9 . We ____________________ lasers for cosmetic surgery . ( produce )
10 . I always ____________________ hard for exams . ( study )
11 . ____________________ your boss ____________________ you positive feedback ? ( give )
12 . ____________________ Jonathan always ____________________ ____________________ the lights ? ( turn off )