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The Big Insect Problem
You ____________________ not like insects , but all life on earth needs them to ____________________ .
Birds , fish and reptiles ____________________ on insects , and if there are no insects , they die from ____________________ . As they die , predators which eat birds , fish and reptiles die , too , ____________________ leads to a mass ____________________ .
Furthermore , insects ____________________ most plants , which means people cannot grow ____________________ without them .
Insects are very important , so it was a great shock when a report ____________________ that the mass of insects is ____________________ by 2 . 5 per cent a year . If this ____________________ , there will be 25% less insects in just 10 years . If that happens , every living being will be in terrible ____________________ .
There are two answers to ____________________ there are fewer and fewer insects . It is probably earth's ____________________ temperatures , as well as the ____________________ of ____________________ in farming .