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Mike is ____________________ than Isaac . ( Fun )

My house is the ____________________ one in our neighborhood . ( Large )

Your dog ran the ____________________ of any dog in the race . ( Fast )

You play tennis ____________________ than I do . ( Good )

This is the ____________________ expensive sweater in the store . ( Little )

This sweater is ____________________ expensive than that one . ( Little )

My house is ____________________ than hers . ( Large )

This box is ____________________ than the one I lost . ( Small )

This house is ____________________ exciting than ever . ( More )

This book is ____________________ boring than the last one . ( More )

You dance ____________________ than I do . ( Good )

I do badly in math , but at least I'm not the ____________________ . ( Bad )

Your car was ____________________ than mine . ( Cheap )

I was ____________________ when I was younger . ( Clever )

Switzerland is the ____________________ expensive country in Europe . ( More )

She was ____________________ when she was younger . ( Fat )

My sister is the ____________________ in the world . ( Good )