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Dear Kathleen ,

Happy birthday ! I'm sending ____________________ ( you / her ) this card form Mexico . Hector and I are in Mexico City visiting his parents . His parents are showing ____________________ ( them / us ) all the sights . His mother is so nice . I brought ____________________ ( her / him ) some jewelry from New York , and she wears it everywhere .

His mother is teaching ____________________ ( you / me ) how to make Mexican food . She's going to send ____________________ ( them / us ) a tamales pot when we get home . Hector loves tamales , so I can make ____________________ ( him / her ) tamales next Christmas . We want to do something special for his parents , but we can't give ____________________ ( us / them ) anything because they won't let us !

How about you ? Can I bring ____________________ ( you / me ) anything from Mexico for your birthday ?
Ellen .