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1 No one recognises our logo or slogan . We need to spend more on advertising to raise brand ____________________ .
2 Consumers who always buy Sony when they need a new TV are showing brand ____________________ .
3 A fashion designer who launches his or her own perfume is an example of brand ____________________ .
4 The brand ____________________ . of Mercedes - Benz is such that its products are seen as safe , reliable , luxurious , well made and expensive .
5 George Clooney advertising Nespresso is an example of product ____________________ .
6 A product ____________________ consists of introduction , growth , maturity and decline .
7 Tesco's wide product ____________________ means that it appeals to all sectors of the UK market .
8 The use of Aston Martin cars and Sony computers in James Bond films are examples of product ____________________ .
9 Microsoft is the market ____________________ in computer software .
10 In countries with ageing populations , the over·60s age group is becoming an increasingly important market ____________________ .
11 Pepsi is the market ____________________ in carbonated soft drinks .
12 Focus groups and consumer surveys are ways of conducting market ____________________ .