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The precise relationship between fiction and life has been debated extensively . ____________________ modern critics agree that , whatever its apparent ____________________ content or ____________________ , fiction is finally to be regarded as a structured ____________________ of life and should not be confused with a ____________________ transcription of life itself . While fiction is a work of the imagination rather than ____________________ , it can also ____________________ based closely on real events , sometimes experienced by the author . In a work of fiction , the author is not the same ____________________ the narrator , the voice that tells the story . Authors maintain a distance from their characters . Sometimes that distance is obvious for instance , if a male writer tells a story from the point of view of a female character . Other times it is not so obvious , ____________________ if we know something of the author's life and there are clear connections between the story and the author s life . The writer of fiction is free to choose his or her subject matter and is free to invent , select , and ____________________ fictional elements to ____________________ his or her purpose . The elements of fiction are the different components that make up a work of fiction . ____________________ literature explores a theme or significant truth expressed in various elements such as character , plot , setting , point of view , style , and tone that are essential and specific to each work of fiction . All of these elements bind a literary work into a consistent ____________________ and give it unity . Understanding these elements can help the reader gain insight ____________________ life , human motives , and experience . Such insight is one of the ____________________ aims of an effective work of fiction ; when readers are ____________________ to perceive it , they develop a sense of ____________________ judgment that is capable of enriching their lives . The following sections describe elements that should be considered in the ____________________ of fiction .