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If you see a movie , or a TV advertisement , that involves a fluid behaving in an unusual way , it was probably made using technology based on the work of a Monash researcher . Professor Joseph Monaghan ____________________ pioneered an influential ____________________ for interpreting the behavior of liquids that underlies most special effects involving water has been ____________________ with election to the Australian Academy of Sciences . Professor Monaghan , one of only 17 members elected in 2011 , was recognized for developing the ____________________ of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics ( SPH ) which has applications in the fields of astrophysics , engineering and physiology , as well ____________________ movie special effects . His research started in 1977 when he tried to use computer simulation to describe the formation of stars and stellar systems . The algorithms available at the time were ____________________ of describing the complicated systems that ____________________ out of chaotic clouds of gas in the galaxy . Professor Monaghan , and ____________________ colleague Bob Gingold , took the novel and effective approach of replacing the fluid or gas in the simulation with large numbers of particles with properties that ____________________ those of the fluid . SPH has become a central tool in astrophysics , where it is currently used to simulate the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang , the ____________________ of stars , and the processes of planet building .