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____________________ is Paul . He is ____________________ lawyer . He works in an ____________________ . Paul gets ____________________ at 6 : 20 a . m . He ____________________ a shower and ____________________ dressed . He doesn't ____________________ breakfast in his house . He always ____________________ breakfast in his office . He usually drinks ____________________ without ____________________ . He doesn't like to ____________________ bread . He ____________________ work ____________________ 8 : 00 a . m . He checks his email and anwers ____________________ calls . He doesn't have a ____________________ .
At 1 : 00 p . m he has ____________________ with his friends . Paul goes ____________________ at 5 : 00 p . m .

At home he ____________________ a shower and he ____________________ dinner . He ____________________ alone ____________________ his apartment . He has dinner at ____________________ past seven . After ____________________ , he ____________________ TV . At 10 : 00 p . m , he goes to ____________________ .