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No , no , ____________________ . Dr . ____________________ , you can't go in ____________________ . I just need to ask one ____________________ . Dr . Banks ! The session is ____________________ . You can't . . . you can't go ____________________ in . It's ____________________ . Look , we just need ____________________ minutes . Don't sweat it . ____________________ , let them ____________________ . Hey , ____________________ ! So , what are we ____________________ this ____________________ ? Why are they on their ____________________ ? We've been ____________________ to hail Captain ____________________ . The ____________________ units are not ____________________ , sir . Why ____________________ ? Send ____________________ . " Offer weapon , question ____________________ . " Are you ____________________ us something ? ____________________ , apparatus , ____________________ ? Yeah , see , this is a ____________________ word . This . . . ____________________ segment , it's a lot ____________________ . Give ____________________ now . What's he ____________________ ? Captain , on your ____________________ . Security detail ____________________ , sir . T - minus 4 ____________________ remaining . We need to see this ____________________ . Okay , this is ____________________ . Lock and ____________________ . We just need to hold them ____________________ until it's ____________________ . Copy that . ____________________ shots and ____________________ fire only . Load ____________________ and get to ____________________ . Stay frosty and we can avoid ____________________ . Abbott wants me to ____________________ on the ____________________ . Can you even ____________________ that ? I don't ____________________ . I can't do it with ____________________ hands . Louise . . . What is ____________________ ?