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The interneuronal process through which the different brain areas are connected is called ____________________ .

The ____________________ hemisphere is considered the center of the expression abilities ( words , numbers , logic ? ) , while the ____________________ hemisphere is the center of the spatial abilities ( feelings , arts , music ? ) .

The acronym SCAMPER stands for : ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ / ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ .

The developer of the Six Thinking Hats technique was ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

Joy ____________________ ____________________ is considered the father of the creativity .

According to Edward de Bono , creativity is an aptitude , but also an ____________________ .

The ____________________ / ____________________ thinking is a combination of convergent and divergent thinking .

The ____________________ is the ability to generate ideas and workable solutions in practice .

Caridad Hernández said that creativity is : ? a set of ____________________ linked to the ____________________ of the human beings that allow them , ( from a previous information , and through a series of ____________________ processes - cognitive - in which this information is transformed ) , to solve problems with ____________________ and ____________________ .