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As the movie ____________________ , we see ____________________ gargoyle ____________________ in London , symbolizing ____________________ , before observing Cardinal ____________________ , King Henry VIII's ____________________ , signing a magnificent ____________________ . A messenger takes it down the ____________________ , which is full of natural ____________________ , to Thomas More's ____________________ . Birds ____________________ remind us of the ____________________ of ____________________ in those ____________________ . At the More residence in ____________________ ? although in the film we are taken to a lovely house in the ____________________ countryside - More and ____________________ are sitting around ____________________ and ____________________ ? Wolsey himself is a ____________________ of their ____________________ , as well as the ____________________ state of the ____________________ ? where priests no longer behave ____________________ . When ____________________ gets the impressive ____________________ , he departs for Wolsey's ____________________ at ____________________ , after telling his young ____________________ disciple ____________________ Rich that he ____________________ have a ____________________ for him . We are ____________________ to see him ____________________ this ____________________ ! It would be worth ____________________ of pounds ____________________ ! At the Cardinal's ____________________ , More debates with ____________________ : the powerful ____________________ is unhappy that ____________________ opposed him , but still wants his ____________________ . Wolsey wants to put ____________________ on the ____________________ to force the ____________________ to grant King ____________________ the ____________________ he ____________________ . If the King doesn't ____________________ a male ____________________ , thinks Wolsey , there will ____________________ be civil ____________________ , as there was before the time of Henry ____________________ . However , ____________________ remains ____________________ to the idea of ____________________ pressure on the ____________________ indirectly by taking action at ____________________ , for example against the ____________________ . The two briefly discuss who will be ____________________ after Wolsey's ____________________ ? it could be ____________________ or it could be ____________________ , Wolsey's secretary . As More leaves , a ____________________ - looking and unsettling common ____________________ gives More a ____________________ cup , saying it is a ____________________ of ____________________ . More realizes it is meant to be a ____________________ . He almost ____________________ it in the ____________________ on his way ____________________ , but the ____________________ stops him . ____________________ he gives it to ____________________ ? and explains that if Rich ____________________ wishes a life at ____________________ , he will be constantly subject to the ____________________ of corrupt ____________________ to secure ____________________ political ____________________ . Adapted , with gratitude , from ( ____________________ Editorial Team , 2008 )