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- You'll never know what happened the other day when I went out with Karen and Tony . Wanna hear it ?
- ____________________ me all about it !
- Well , Karen got mad at Tony and ____________________ him to forget about their relationship forever .
- You're kidding ! Right in front of you ?
- Yeah . Anyway , Tony ____________________ that he wasn't going to break up simply because of a stupid detail . Then Karen ____________________ that she had been unhappy for quite some time . I started to feel uncomfortable and ____________________ them that it was probably better if I gave them some privacy . They both ____________________ that it was ok and that I could stay . Karen ____________________ me to stay because she didn't want to be there by herself . Tony then ____________________ that we wasn't going anywere until they sorted out the situation . It was all so tense .
- I bet . What happened in the end then ?
- Tony ____________________ Karen that he loved her and she didn't know what to ____________________ him right away . She finally ____________________ that she loved him too and that she could marry him .
- Woah ! I didn't see that coming !