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No artist , teacher and student can ____________________ without ____________________ criticism . Criticism hurts ? ____________________ if it is ____________________ . But it is best to get used to it . If you ____________________ work on a ship , or in the hotel ____________________ , you will get a lot of ____________________ . But criticism is normal . If we do not ____________________ too much about it , and even come to ____________________ it , and detach the ? me' who acts , from the ____________________ ? me' who can ____________________ ____________________ everything until it is at a ____________________ level , well then , from now on ? that is , from today ! ? criticism will never bother us again . Good luck with this ! We are all on the same side . ____________________ that ! And I can ____________________ you , here and now , that if need be , I will offer you only ____________________ criticism , and most of the time I will be ____________________ your efforts . Why ? ____________________ I ____________________ in you . And because ____________________ praise helps ! I love the Chinese habit of ____________________ . You may do the same for me , if you wish , as we go on . But let ____________________ party worry about the ____________________ : grades and ____________________ . ____________________ by each other , by our parents , or by ____________________ at large . These ____________________ are largely ____________________ and a by - product ? not the main aim ? of ____________________ . And I would ____________________ you that this is education . Not ____________________ , or ____________________ , or simply coaching you for exams . It is a ____________________ : and university comes from a word meaning ? universal' . If you had wanted ____________________ else , I ____________________ you would have gone to a training institute . But no , you are here ! And I am here as well - ____________________ to make ____________________ ____________________ happen ! We are in the same ____________________ ? together ! That said ? I ____________________ that ____________________ has its place ; and indeed , it will be factored i n