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The ERP are the most ____________________ systems and the first that were developed to help the big ____________________ to manage its saved information . It integrates on a strong way all the company's functional areas to ____________________ the information and data ____________________ among them .
Before start to use an ERP is essential to the company identify the problems to solve , the ____________________ to reach and the support kind that the information systems will supply .


It has the following characteristics :
- Integration : They're ____________________ to integrate without any problem the information flows of whole the ____________________ .
- Modularity : It integrates each one of its modules with external apps to expand its functionalities .
- Better practices : When the business change , the ERP's processes change too to couple ____________________ with the system .
- Components coordination : It's connected with all the components of the systems as hardware , nets and so on .
- Evolution : It changes each time that a new innovation ____________________ is implemented by the IT department .