Step 4: Procedure/Experiment
Step 2B: Research
Step 3: Hypothesis
Generate Concepts/Research
Step 5: Analyze the Results
Scientific Method
Scientific Knowledge
Engineering Design Process
Step 1: Make observations about the natural world
Step 2A: Ask a Question
Step 6: Conclusion
Step where we...Made a claim about what effect a smaller/larger bicep would have on the launch angle based on our research only.
Product obtained at the end of the scientific method
Product created at the end of the engineering design process
Step where we...Identified a question that we could research with an experiment: How does the rubber band size of the bicep effect the launch angle?
Step where we...Launched the ping pong ball with the smaller and larger bicep rubber band and recorded which went higher/lower
What stepwise process did we do today to research how the size of the bicep rubber band effects the launch angle?
Step where we...Read about bioengineering, biomimicry, and biomaterials to better understand prosthetics
Step where we...Found out that the smaller the rubber band the higher it launches based upon our experiment.
This is the step of the engineering design process that we completed by performing the lab on launch angle and bicep rubber band size
Step where we...Looked at our lab results to see which bicep went up higher/lower and see if we could make meaning of anything else that happened in the lab.
Stepwise process where we learn how to design and build a prototype prosthetic arm
Step where we...Looked at the bicep on the prototype prosthetic arm and thought of what else might effect the launch angle