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All developmental cysts are present at birth and are enhanced by agents, such as hormones and trauma, to become clinically evident. Thyroglossal cysts present in the first decade of life. Thymic cysts present in the first or second decade of life. Bronchogenic cysts and median raphe cysts present early, some at birth, while others present within the first 3 decades of life. The cutaneous ciliated cyst usually presents in the second or third decade of life.

No racial predilection is known.

Cutaneous ciliated cysts are primarily observed in females. Median raphe cysts are primarily observed in males. The other cysts have an equal sex ratio.

All developmental cysts are uncommon. The least common cyst is probably the cutaneous ciliated cyst, with fewer than 30 cases reported. The most common cyst is the thyroglossal cyst.