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Dear King George ,

We are ( upset ) ____________________ with Great Britain for many reasons . After the French and Indian war , the land we were promised was ( limited ) ____________________ by the ____________________ of 1763 . We ( are insulted ) ____________________ that the king is treating us like children by ( choosing ) ____________________ governors to ( watch over ) ____________________ our ( law makers ) ____________________ . Great Britain may need to raise ( money ) ____________________ to ( pay for ) ____________________ the war but we ( are against ) ____________________ the fact that Parliament is ( forcing ) ____________________ taxes when we do not get to vote . The Magna Carta guaranteed no taxation without ( a voice ) ____________________ for Englishmen and the ____________________ of the Virginia Company of London promised us the rights of Englishmen . We also want to know why we are still paying for the ( support ) ____________________ of troops in the colonies if the war is over .

Your subjec t