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It is ____________________ that hygienic habits are observed when working with ____________________ . Hands must be ____________________ washed before ____________________ food . ____________________ should be clean .
Keep ____________________ neatly in place and avoid handling it . ____________________ hair should be tied back .
All clothes must be clean . Wear a ____________________ apron or pinafore to protect outer clothing .
Always cover mouth or nose if you ____________________ or ____________________ ; wash your hands ____________________ afterwards .
Cover ____________________ and wounds with sterile , waterproof ____________________ .
Use a ____________________ for tasting food . Do not put a ____________________ that has been in your mouth back into the ____________________ .
All utensils and work areas should be ____________________ cleaned .
When possible use a ____________________ or ____________________ to avoid the hands coming in ____________________ with food .
Wash hands , boards and knives after ____________________ them to cut ____________________ food , e . g . chicken or red meat .