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____________________ pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF ) is defined as a specific form of ____________________ , progressive fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause , primarily ____________________ in older adults , limited to the lungs , and ____________________ with the histopathologic and / or radiologic pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia ( UIP ) .
Of the seven listed idiopathic ____________________ pneumonias ____________________ the American Thoracic Society / European Respiratory Society consensus ____________________ ( ie , idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis , nonspecific interstitial pneumonia , cryptogenic organizing pneumonia , acute interstitial pneumonia , desquamative interstitial pneumonia , respiratory bronchiolitis - associated interstitial pneumonia , lymphoid interstitial pneumonia ) , idiopathic ____________________ fibrosis is the most common . Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis portends a poor prognosis , and , to date , ____________________ proven effective therapies are available ____________________ the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis beyond lung transplantation .