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Emily is 8 years ____________________ . She lives ____________________ a big house . She has ____________________ pretty bedroom . She has many toys ____________________ she has a lot of friends . ____________________ Emily isn't happy . She has a secret . She doesn't want to tell anyone about ____________________ secret . She feels embarrassed . The problem is that if nobody knows about ____________________ , there is no one that ____________________ help her .

Emily doesn't do her homework . When ____________________ is an exam ? she feels ill . She doesn't tell anyone , but the truth is she ____________________ read and write . Emily doesn't remember the letters ____________________ the alphabet .

One day , Emily's teacher finds out . She sees that Emily can't write ____________________ the board . She speaks to her ____________________ class and asks her to tell the truth . Emily says , " It is ____________________ . I don't know how to read and write " . The teacher listens to her . ____________________ wants to help Emily . She tells her , " That's ok . You ____________________ read and write ____________________ we practise together " .

So Emily and her teacher meet every day after class . They practise together . Emily works ____________________ . Now she knows ____________________ to read and write !