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Two years ago ? ? ? on September 2 , 2015 ? ? ? three - year - old Alan Kurdi ____________________ whilst fleeing from Syria to Greece by way of Turkey . The image of the ____________________ lifeless body sparked a surge of ____________________ that moved countless people worldwide to take action .

Now Khaled Hosseini , the ____________________ author of The Kite Runner and a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador , has written ? Sea Prayer ? , an ____________________ letter in the form of a ____________________ , from a Syrian father to his son on the ____________________ of making the sea crossing to Europe .

In ____________________ with UNHCR , The Guardian has produced and made ? Sea Prayer' into the first ____________________ , animated , virtual reality film created using Tilt Brush , a tool for painting in a 3D space with ____________________ reality .