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The process of ____________________ consisted in the evolution of ____________________ from apes . This process , that took millions of ____________________ , began when the first ape started walking ____________________ , becoming the first of the ____________________ : the Australopithecus . We call hominid to all the species that walked on the lower ____________________ , coming from the upper apes .
The main physical features of the process of hominisation are focused on three changes . The first of them is ____________________ , that is , walking upright . This new way of moving led to changes in the ____________________ and the ____________________ for adapting to the movement , the ____________________ became narrower ( so childbirth became very painful , among other consequences ) , the ____________________ extended and became straight , the ____________________ and upper extremities are ____________________ , the appearance of the ____________________ for supporting the weight the head ( and which includes the larynx , one of the important factors of the possibility of complex ____________________ ) , and last , we have a broader visual ____________________ .
The second of these changes happened in the upper extremities , and more precisely , in the ____________________ . The development of the opposable ____________________ makes possible grabbing ____________________ better , so the manufacturing of tools became a possibility .
The last of the changes , but probably the most important , happened in the ____________________ and is related with the ____________________ and the bones that contain it , the ____________________ . Evolution made us have a bigger and more complex brain , so articulated speech appeared . Because of this increase , the skull became also bigger , and our ____________________ appeared for making more room for this bigger organ . Then , eating changed as well , changed have happened in our ____________________ and ____________________ , which have become much weaker than in the apes .

The main hominids in this process of evolution are :
- Australopithecus : the first walking ____________________ .
- Homo ____________________ : the first making tools .
- Homo ____________________ : who began using fire 1 , 5 million years ago .
- Homo neanderthalensis : the first ____________________ their dead .
- Homo ____________________ : who are the modern human .