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My little brother is really ____________________ , my parents give him everything he wants .
I usually ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ what she said to avoid any arguments .
I ____________________ really into ____________________ .
If you use a ____________________ , you will draw it much better .
He is really ____________________ ____________________ dancing .
He ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , she doesn't trust him anymore .
My classmate is always ____________________ me , it's so ____________________ - ____________________ .
I'm ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ him , he is always saying bad things about me .
She ____________________ her ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , she never does fun stuff .
You should buy clothes made with ____________________ , it's softer than wool .
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ him , he's always laughing at me .