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Filling the generation Gap
By Rebecca
Ever feel like your parents don't understand you at all ? I know it sounds horribly stereotypical ____________________ you can't deny feeling misunderstood . This is common and it isn't just ____________________ teen - angst making us feel like a NOFX song . ____________________ really just don't understand us ; it is as simple as that .
This lapse of understanding is mainly due to the rather large generation gap between us and our parents . Times have changed , and for some ____________________ they have a hard time understanding this at times . Back when they were growing up , things that we find socially acceptable were considered horribly inappropriate . For example , guys and girls just hanging out is a lot more common than in the 60's and 70's . And don't even get me ____________________ on conduct at dances . Back then a guy politely asked a girl if she would like to dance . Now they just come ____________________ behind a girl , grab her and sweep her to the floor , and all this while the girl's wondering , ? Do I know him ? Is he attractive or what ? ? In the older days , girls wouldn't have to wildly signal to their friends to help them out of a dance .
So considering we are a much more desensitized and open generation , it is only fair that people who ____________________ up before us may have a hard time comprehending our actions . And , while I'm not trying to completely justify their intolerance , we do have to understand that it's just new to them . Try ____________________ what you are doing and remind them that times have changed ; in the nicest way possible of course .