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A device with a needle that always points North.

Mother Country

A European country that explored the New World.

A device that uses the angles of the stars or sun to determine the user's distance from the equator.


A person who sells his labor (usually for about 7 years) in exchange for passage to the New World.

Cash Crop

A place where goods from the New World could be bought or traded for. Usually built along major rivers.


Settler Colony

A settlement designed to claim land for the mother country.

Lands where cash crops were grown.


Trading Post Colony

Indentured Servant

Plantation Colony

A person who is forced to work for someone else without pay or promise of freedom.

A smaller, light-weight ship with triangular sails that can "beat" the wind.



An expensive and high-demand crop that cannot be grown in Europe.

An economic system that requires more exports than imports.