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1 . To get ahead in your career , you often have to move to another city . I don't really want to uproot my family , and my wife ____________________ , either , but if necessary , we'll ____________________ ____________________ .

2 . A friend asked me to go to a debate club last year with him , and you know , I was happy ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . And actually , I'm glad I did . I can speak much more confidently now , and my friend ____________________ , too .

3 . It's easier than ever now to take a year off before college if you can ____________________ ____________________ .

4 . My friend's thinking of studying in Paris . I ____________________ , too , if I can get the money ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

5 . I've always wanted to go on a cycling tour , but I've never had the time ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . But finally my sister and I are planning to go next spring . I'm looking forward to it , and my sisters ____________________ , too .