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1 .
A : Have you ever taken any risks in life ?
B : No , I suppose I ____________________ really . I went to college , as my brother ____________________ . It was expected , I guess . And I went into dentistry , which is what my dad ____________________ , too . I guess I don't like taking risks . My brother ____________________ , though . He gave up a good career to go into music .

2 .
A : So , what's one of the best experiences you've had in life ?
B : Well , I guess I've been lucky . I met the perfect guy . And you know , a lot of people ____________________ . And we don't have any financial worries . That's nice . Many couples ____________________ these days .

3 .
A : Have you ever made a decision you regret ?
B : Well , let's see . I had the opportunity to go to China on a school trip , but I didn't go . Some of my friends ____________________ , either . But I wish I had . I think they're planning a trip for next year - I hope they ____________________ , anyway . I won't say no next time .

4 .
A : Have you traveled much ? I mean , where have you been ?
B : Well , I haven't traveled much , though all my friends ____________________ . I think it's good to travel , but my parents ____________________ . They worry about me being safe .