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A Wolf had been ____________________ on an animal he had killed , when ____________________ a small bone in the meat ____________________ in his throat and he could not ____________________ it .

He soon felt terrible pain in his ____________________ , and ran up and down groaning and ____________________ and seeking for something to ____________________ the pain . He tried to ____________________ every one he met to ____________________ the bone .

" I would ____________________ anything , " said he , " if you would take it out . "

At last the ____________________ agreed to try , and told the Wolf to ____________________ on his side and open his ____________________ as wide as he could .

Then the Crane ____________________ its long neck down the Wolf's throat , and with its ____________________ loosened the bone , till at ____________________ it got it out .

" Will you ____________________ give me the ____________________ you promised ? " said the Crane .

The Wolf ____________________ and showed his teeth and said : " Be ____________________ . You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and ____________________ it out again in ____________________ ; that ought to be reward enough for you . "

Gratitude and ____________________ go not together .