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I am lonely . I am ____________________ by myself . I meet people every ____________________ . I smile at them . I say hello . I ____________________ nice to them . I want to ____________________ a friend . But I have no friends . What ____________________ wrong with me ? I am ____________________ . I am ____________________ . I am nice . I ____________________ kind . Why don't people ____________________ me ? All I want ____________________ one friend . Everyone ____________________ one friend . I ____________________ see people with ____________________ friends . They laugh with each other . ____________________ have fun with each other . ____________________ do things with each other . ____________________ about me ? I ____________________ by myself . I watch TV by ____________________ . I go to movies by myself . I ____________________ to restaurants by myself . I go to the ____________________ by myself . I told ____________________ mother that I am lonely . ____________________ said it is my fault . " Why ? " I asked . She said , " Because you ____________________ ask anyone to ____________________ with you . " ____________________ mom is right . I ____________________ ask people to be with me . I am afraid they will say ____________________ .