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86 ____________________ days only about 1% of ____________________ are ____________________ by ____________________ . 87 Mr Yonekar has made ____________________ for the past 33 ____________________ that everything runs ____________________ . 88 I'm the senior ____________________ on the ____________________ during the ____________________ trip , which ____________________ me ____________________ for the lives of the ____________________ , and for the railway ____________________ , for ____________________ that ____________________ on the way . 89 A ____________________ is just being ____________________ over . It's in this ____________________ ring ____________________ in leather . It ____________________ ____________________ on this single - track route . And has done since ____________________ . 90 When I ____________________ on the token , the train ____________________ has the ____________________ to pass on to the ____________________ ____________________ . I have to ring four ____________________ to get this ____________________ , and that's how they ____________________ at the next ____________________ that a train is ____________________ . They ring ____________________ times in ____________________ , and lock their token . That ____________________ my token . I can ____________________ it out and give it to the next train , ____________________ can then travel ____________________ to the next ____________________ . 90a The token is ____________________ , and given to the train ____________________ on the next train 91 ____________________ there are no ____________________ any trains tracks from ____________________ Oya ____________________ to the ____________________ hill - station of ____________________ - ____________________ . The writer ____________________ Hesse of ____________________ fame had an ____________________ stay here in 1911 . It's ____________________ fresh , at a ____________________ of ____________________ meters . 92 The ____________________ called the ____________________ town Little ____________________ . And ____________________ , we can picture Miss Marple ____________________ a letter here . Time ____________________ to have to have ____________________ still since 1876 in the time - ____________________ Hill Club . In those days the ____________________ owners ____________________ here , over a game of ____________________ . 93 The ____________________ might be drying there ____________________ , but in those ____________________ that's where the ____________________ rulers ____________________ ____________________ races . Everything was to be ____________________ a ____________________ away from home . It's ____________________ for horse races to take ____________________ here these days . Things ____________________ a slower ____________________ on the race track these days . 94 ____________________ relic from the ____________________ period : Sri Lanka's most ____________________ golf club . 95 ____________________ , this was ____________________ by the old British ____________________ , and the they kept on ____________________ after it very well , ____________________ , it was not ____________________ for ____________________ ____________________ , [ it was ] ____________________ like a ____________________ club . ____________________ it was ____________________ like a ____________________ club , it was not so ____________________ oriented , people ____________________ loving this place . 96 So it's more than the ____________________ . It's ____________________ the ____________________ , who used to come to the ____________________ ; and also to play ____________________ . That's how it's ____________________ . I mean . And also the ____________________ around this place . They ____________________ loving this place . 97 ____________________ need ____________________ club ____________________ to ____________________ the 18 - hole ____________________ . The club has ____________________ the life of Sri Lanka's highest town for the past 125 years . Entire families used to live here . Even ____________________ were ____________________ on club premises . 98 Many white ____________________ lived on the ____________________ back then . They came here to ____________________ their time . When I was ____________________ ten and fifteen I worked for them as a caddy and was ____________________ to play too . That's how I started . In 1971 , I became free golf ____________________ of Sri Lanka . 99 We're ____________________ at Nanu Oya station . We listen to the music of Clarence ____________________ the Sri ____________________ King of ____________________ . Now long dead . 100 A ____________________ of ____________________ . We participate in an an ____________________ , on a trolley . Of course the token is a must on this trip , too . ____________________ the ____________________ is quite ____________________ work in Sri Lanka . ____________________ up here , in the ____________________ . 101 I ____________________ help the senior ____________________ in their ____________________ work . The trolley is used for ____________________ . And if there's been a ____________________ or a ____________________ , it takes railway ____________________ to the scene . 101a The heavy ____________________ during the wet ____________________ causes a lot of ____________________ to the track . Then , it has to be ____________________ . 101b ( instrument panel ) 101c ( trolley shot ) 102 We visit a ____________________ manor ____________________ at a slightly ____________________ altitude . St . Benedict's . Father Michael has ____________________ it for 22 years . 103 He runs the ____________________ for the ____________________ , and takes care of the ____________________ too . 103a The ____________________ being ____________________ up here , ready to make jam , is called an ____________________ apple , or ____________________ apple . 104 We started this ____________________ ____________________ for the ____________________ of the ____________________ ; in the ____________________ we started with the ____________________ , and strawberry jam ; and ____________________ jelly . So these three ____________________ we ____________________ in the beginning ; but ____________________ we ____________________ into ____________________ other items ; and still we are ____________________ what we ____________________ in the ____________________ . 105 For almost 50 years now , a long - standing ____________________ . . . ____________________ is being prepared at the same time . The ____________________ are also being used as ____________________ before they ripen . ____________________ - year - old ____________________ is a master of his ____________________ . He has ____________________ and stirred and ____________________ - ever since he was ____________________ . 106 If I take the ____________________ off the fire at the ____________________ time , it will last for ____________________ . You can ____________________ it for up to ____________________ years . There's a ____________________ for it - ____________________ the large ____________________ I make , there's ____________________ left over . 107 It's the jam's ____________________ that ____________________ the right time . 107a Here , too , ____________________ done by hand . . . Chandra ____________________ up to a thousand ____________________ every ____________________ . 108 The train heads into the ____________________ on the ____________________ ____________________ a day . ____________________ , the weather's ____________________ ____________________ British . 109 The total ____________________ of Sri Lanka's rail ____________________ is around 1500 ____________________ . The ____________________ is wider than the regular ____________________ gauge . 110 It's a broad gauge ____________________ 1676 ____________________ in gauge Or 5 feet 6 inches in feet and inches . It is ____________________ as a broad gauge ____________________ . Because the ideal ____________________ for ____________________ of goods is the ____________________ gauge . Because they can ____________________ more load . So the Britishers ____________________ ____________________ gauge here in ____________________ , India , ____________________ , Bangladesh . 110a It's ideal for ____________________ tea 111 The ____________________ is ready ; the next ____________________ is Pattipola . At 1891 meters , it's Sri Lanka's highest station . Time has a different dimension up here . 112 The employees have to expect a ____________________ of ____________________ up here . ____________________ can ____________________ away . It can rain . ____________________ we have dew or frost in the ____________________ . So our ____________________ get in the way of the train . Such as the Sri Lankan tiger or wild boar or deer . They can cause problems . 112a We haven't seen any animals . And it's no ____________________ in this ____________________ . But at last we reach the ____________________ of our trip . Quite ____________________ . 112b 1898 . 1 meters here at the railway summit in ____________________ . 113 Which is ____________________ to be a Guinness World of Records : It is given John Marshall's book , of ____________________ World of Records : Facts and Feats of Railways , it is given as as the ____________________ point reached on a broad - gauge railway . 113a It's also quite ____________________ 114 We're 224 kilometers from ____________________ now . 114a The ____________________ away we are from the island's ____________________ , the fewer ____________________ there are on the train . 114b ____________________ the ____________________ , our limbs become ____________________ . 115 We notice the altitude . We deserve a bit of a ____________________ . 116 The region around Ella is known for its spa ____________________ . 116a The hard - ____________________ tea pickers can only dream of ____________________ them . 117 You have to bring ____________________ time with you when you come here . A ____________________ Ayurveda ____________________ takes 80 ____________________ . 118 It's a special massage . All 107 vital ____________________ are treated . That improves blood flow - which ____________________ the organs . It ____________________ you a lot of ____________________ . 119 The ____________________ art of ____________________ has a long - ____________________ tradition on Sri Lanka , too . The wholistic ____________________ of Ayurveda and a ____________________ views of nature . 120 The steam bath ____________________ healing ____________________ is also good for relaxation . It reduces ____________________ levels , cuts weight and ____________________ the skin It's ____________________ . 121 We are ____________________ ____________________ on our final leg to Ella . This stretch is ____________________ one of the ____________________ ____________________ in the whole of Asia . That's why it's best to think about its future . 122 Mainline should ____________________ as a heritage railway and it [ should ] be handed over to the ____________________ for conversion as a heritage railway and then again , as a ____________________ ____________________ . I never say . . . I don't say . . . that it should be ____________________ for the local ____________________ . 123 Local passenger service should be ____________________ . But whereas . . . for tourism , they must ____________________ this area , further . 124 A good idea . Because that would secure the ____________________ existence of the Mainline . Allowing ____________________ from all over to ____________________ a new world in just ____________________ hours .