John
Mark
.
.
.
after
all
,
What
do
You
do
for
a
living
?
Mark
I'm
an
____________________
.
work
for
"
Genius
____________________
"
.
And
you
John
?
.
What
do
you
do
for
a
living
?
.
John
I'm
a
____________________
.
work
with
my
____________________
.
We
have
a
____________________
Mark
family
business
,
that's
wonderfull
.
What
about
your
____________________
?
What
does
She
do
for
a
living
?
John
She
is
a
____________________
Mark
Well
,
imagine
that
she
works
with
You
and
your
dad
.
John
No
She
doesn't
Mark
Where
does
she
work
,
then
?
John
She
works
for
"
Bose
____________________
"