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Information and ____________________ technologies , mostly known as " ICT " , are those whose base is focused on the fields of ____________________ technology , microelectronics and telecommunications , to make way for the creation of new forms of communication . It is a set of tools or ____________________ of technological and communicational ____________________ , which serve to facilitate the issuance , access and ____________________ of information through various codes that may correspond to texts , images , sounds , among others . As is ____________________ in all communications process , there is the issuance of a message , and in the case of ICT , this message corresponds to data and ____________________ sent from one user to another ____________________ a digital or hardware channel and defined by a code or software , in a context determined by international agreements . Networks and tics involve a new ____________________ of information processing , in which communication ____________________ ( TC ) , ____________________ composed of radio , conventional telephony and television , are combined with information technologies ( IT ) , which ____________________ in the ____________________ of content recording technologies .