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1 - This application , that - allows - ____________________ you to sleep in another person's house , refuse . It - carries - ____________________ a legal obligation to do so .
2 - This , for example , is just a small part of all the - locations - ____________________ - saved - ____________________ by Google .
3 - Facebook - keeps - ____________________ all of my photos , even those unflattering ones of my school years .
even if they do not have Facebook and even without their - consent - ____________________ .
4 - These applications - store - ____________________ this information or sell it to data analytic companies .
5 - So here , it shows that I'm interested in computers or - gardening - ____________________ for example .
6 - They can see if I have - loans - ____________________ what my financial situation is , things like that . So , that allows them to send you - advertisements - ____________________ .
7 - The organization accused of having stolen the data of at least 87 million people .
He alerted the social network on what he considered to be a - flaw - ____________________ in their system .
8 - They still - denied - ____________________ that there was an - issue - ____________________ they didn't do anything about it
until roughly last year .
9 - Three years later , Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has - testified - ____________________ in front of the US Congress . He was made to announce several measures on - increasing - ____________________ protections on user data .