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There are a lot of ____________________ places to buy food in Britain . There are small market stalls and there are big supermarkets , like Tesco .
You can find almost anything here . There's meat , cheese , bread and a lot of ____________________ , so there 's always something for breakfast , lunch and dinner .
Some people like shopping online . They go to the Tesco website . They can see how much the food costs and order it online .
People usually eat at home , but lots of people get ____________________ or enjoy eating out in restaurants .
A favourite British ____________________ is fish and chips . Many people have their fish and chips with a lot of salt and vinegar !
But international food is also very popular . British people often have Chinese , Indian or Thai food .
People cook meals from other countries at home , too . But they also cook a lot of traditional British meals .
At the weekend some people in Britain have a full English ____________________ . This is a big meal with eggs , bacon , ____________________ , tomatoes , and mushrooms . It's also called a 'fry up ' because you fry everything . You mustn't have a fry up every day because it isn't healthy !

During the week British people don't usually have a big breakfast . They often have toast or cereal with orange juice and tea .
They don't usually eat lunch at home . They have a snack or a ____________________ lunch . They often make a sandwich and they take a piece of fruit , such as a banana or an apple .
Sandwiches are very popular in Britain . They're cheap and they don't take much time to make .
During the week most families have their main meal in the evening . They don't usually have a lot of time , so they have something that is quick and easy to cook . Pasta is very popular .
But at the weekend families often have a big ____________________ at lunch time .
And everybody likes a ____________________ Sunday roast !
On Sunday a lot of people cook roast meat , for example beef or chicken , and serve it with vegetables and Yorkshire pudding . People make Yorkshire pudding by adding a few eggs to some flour and pouring in some milk .
Sunday lunch is a special meal .
In Britain people eat both traditional meals and food from all over the world .