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Four friends , Alex , Lucy , Sam and Jo were ____________________ in a coffee bar and chatting , when the subject of their own faults came up in conversation .
? I ____________________ admit , ' said Alex , ? I sometimes use the company's phone for private calls and I often steal office stationery from work when the boss isn't looking . If my boss ____________________ out , I'd get ____________________ . '
? Well , I guess my greatest fault , ' Lucy ____________________ the group , ? is that I gamble too much . I play online poker and I buy lottery tickets . My parents are really strict , and if they ____________________ about it , I'd be in real trouble .
? I don't gamble , ' Sam said , ? but I'd say that my worst fault is my ____________________ habit . I drink far too much . If it ever got out , I'd lose my job . '
Joe had ____________________ silent during the conversation , so Sam ____________________ and asked him , ? Well , Joe , do you have any faults , then ? '
? Oh , yes , ' said Joe , ? and mine is worse than any of yours . My ____________________ fault is that I just can't keep a secret . '