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1 . Babysitting can be quite ____________________ at times . ( DEMAND )
2 . She has ____________________ in dealing with customers . ( DIFFICULT )
3 . He asked for ____________________ to leave early . ( PERMIT )
4 . My boss is very ____________________ with my work . ( PLEASE )
5 . One of the most ____________________ careers to succeed in is professional sports . ( COMPETITION )
6 . Without basic computer skills , it will be difficult to find ____________________ . ( EMPLOY )
7 . John studied finance and now he is a ____________________ . ( BANK )
8 . Knowledge of Spanish is ____________________ . ( DESIRE )
9 . A ____________________ office environment helps to motivate employees . ( FRIEND )
10 . He works as an ____________________ . ( ACT )
11 . She is a ____________________ and studies the way people think and feel . ( PSYCHOLOGY )
12 . Something's wrong with the light . We need to call an ____________________ . ( ELECTRIC )