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Pablo Neruda ____________________ born Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto in the Chilean town of Parral in 1904 . His father ____________________ for the railroad , and his mother ____________________ a teacher who ____________________ shortly after his birth . At age 13 , he ____________________ his literary career as a contributor to the daily La Mañana , where he ____________________ his first articles and poems . In 1920 , he ____________________ to the literary journal Selva Austral under the pen name Pablo Neruda , which he ____________________ in honor of Czech poet Jan Neruda .
Some of Neruda's early poems are found in his first book , Crepusculario ( Book of Twilight ) , published in 1923 , and one of his most ____________________ works , Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada ( Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair ) , was published the following year . Twenty Love Poems ____________________ Neruda a celebrity , and he thereafter ____________________ himself to verse .