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One ____________________ the left ____________________ said confidentially to the right hand :
- Look , we work all day , while the ____________________ does not do anything .

The ____________________ listened and said :
- She is right , we are also tired walking all day to buy food to the stomach and he only ____________________ without doing anything to get it .

The right hand shouted :
- Let's strike , do not give ____________________ to the stomach . Let him manage if he wants .
Then the stomach ____________________ :
- Friends , you are thinking badly . Our jobs and skills are very different , but the truth is that we depend a lot on each other .

The ____________________ shouted at him :
- Shut up . Those are the arguments of a vague . From now on you will not ____________________ anything , absolutely nothing .

A few days passed .
- Oh , how weak I feel ! He complained one arm to the other .
- Me too , you do not know how tired I feel . . .

The ____________________ complained :
- We can hardly move .
And all the parts of the ____________________ said the same thing . Everyone felt faint .
Then the stomach spoke :
- I feel weak , too . If they feed me , I can ____________________ again and you and I will feel better .
- Well , it's worth trying , said the right hand .

And the ____________________ with much difficulty brought the body to the table , the hands cooperated and put the food in the ____________________ .

After a while the hands exclaimed :
- We already feel better .
All the members of the body said the same thing . Then they understood that ____________________ the members of the body must cooperate if they want to keep themselves in good health . And the ____________________ understood that he depends on the work of the members and that he must distribute equally with the members everything that comes to him .